Research Article

Neuroprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid A against Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy through Modulation of Nrf2

Figure 4

Salvianolic acid A restored the ultrastructural changes of the injured sciatic nerve in KK-Ay diabetic mice. SalA 1 mg/kg was orally administered to KK-Ay diabetic mice for 8 weeks and the ultrastructure of the sciatic nerve was detected by scanning transmission electron microscopy. (a) Representative ultrastructural images of the myelin sheath ((1): scale μm; (2): scale μm). (b) Quantitative analysis of diameter, perimeter and area of axis cylinder, and myelin sheath thickness. Representative ultrastructural images of Schwann cells (scale μm) (c) and mitochondria (scale  nm) (d) of the sciatic nerve from the NC, DM, and SalA 1 mg/kg groups. All data are presented as , . compared with the DM group.