Research Article

Andrographolide Exerts Antihyperglycemic Effect through Strengthening Intestinal Barrier Function and Increasing Microbial Composition of Akkermansia muciniphila

Figure 5

Andrographolide attenuated diabetes-associated redox disturbance and inflammation. (a) The relative gene expression from caecal tissue corresponding to redox status (A) Nrf2, (B) Cat, and (C) Sod1 was determined. (b) The relative gene expression of inflammatory factors from caecal tissue including (D) TNF-α and (E) IL-6 were determined. (c) The relative gene expression of the antimicrobial peptides from caecal tissue including (F) Lyz1, (G) DefA, and (H) Pla2g2 was determined. Control: db/db mice administered with vehicle; AG: db/db mice administered with 150 mg/kg andrographolide. Data represent (), versus the control group.