Research Article

Sustained Release of Melatonin from GelMA Liposomes Reduced Osteoblast Apoptosis and Improved Implant Osseointegration in Osteoporosis

Figure 8

GelMA-DOPA@MT prevents ovariectomy- (OVX-) induced bone loss in vivo. (a) Representative 3D reconstructions of μCT images and (d) BMD within the ROI (region of interest) were calculated. (e) BS/BV, (f) BS/TV, (g) BV/TV, and (h) TbN. (b) Representative paraffinized section following H&E staining. Black arrows represent inflammatory fibrous tissue, Scale bar: 100 μm. (c) Representative histological images around the screw showing calcein levels. Scale bar: 500 μm. (i) BV/TV and (j) inflammatory area. (k) Mineral apposition rate. per group, , , vs. the GelMA-DOPA@MT group.