Clinical Study

Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning Reduces Kidney Injury Biomarkers in Patients Undergoing Open Surgical Lower Limb Revascularisation: A Randomised Trial

Table 1

Baseline and surgery characteristics.

RIPC ()Sham () value

Age, years (SD)67 (10)66 (10)0.625
Female, (%)3 (11%)10 (36%)0.058
Current smoker, (%)19 (68%)15 (54%)0.412
Diabetes, (%)2 (7%)6 (21%)0.252
ACEI or ARB, (%)10160.180
Calcium channel blockers, (%)690.546
Contrast days before surgery or ≤24 h after surgery, (%)17 (61%)17 (61%)1
Infusion during surgery, median (IQR)1100 (1000−1525)1150 (1000−1500)0.622
Administration of propofol during surgery, (%)7 (25%)12 (43%)0.259
Fontaine class 210 (36%)10 (36%)1
Fontaine class 38 (29%)9 (32%)1
Fontaine class 48 (29%)6 (21%)0.546
Unclassifiable by Fontaine classification1 (4%)3 (11%)0.604
Femoropopliteal bypass14 (50%)14 (50%)1
Femoral artery endarterectomy4 (14%)4 (14%)1
Aortobifemoral bypass6 (21%)5 (18%)1
Other peripheral vascular surgery (iliofemoral and femorofemoral bypass)0 (0%)2 (7%)0.472
Redo vascular surgery4 (14%)3 (11%)1

: number of patients; SD: standard deviation; ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin II receptor blocker; Fontaine class: peripheral artery disease class according to Fontaine classification; IQR: interquartile range.