Research Article

Formation and Detection of Highly Oxidized Hemoglobin Forms in Biological Fluids during Hemolytic Conditions

Figure 1

Time-dependent accumulation of heme and different redox states of Hb in biological samples during hemolytic conditions. CSF samples were obtained from preterm infants diagnosed with grade III IVH at different time intervals after the onset of IVH (/group). (a) Total heme levels of CSF were determined by the heme assay kit in triplicates. Bars represent . values were calculated using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison analysis. , . (b) Pie chart represents Hb, metHb, and hemichrome levels determined by the method of Winterbourn, and non-Hb-bound heme levels as a percentage of total heme in CSF samples collected between days 0-20 and 21-40 days after the onset of intraventricular hemorrhage. (c) Pie chart represents Hb, metHb, and ferrylHb levels determined by the method of Meng and Alayash, and non-Hb-bound heme levels as a percentage of total heme in CSF samples collected between days 0-20 and 21-40 days after the onset of intraventricular hemorrhage. (d) Scatter plot shows Hb levels of CSF samples () determined by two different methods of (i) Winterbourn and (ii) Meng and Alayash. Red line represents the line. (e) Scatter plot shows metHb levels of CSF samples () determined by two different methods of (i) Winterbourn and (ii) Meng and Alayash. Red line represents the line. (f) Scatter plot shows the correlation between hemichrome and ferrylHb levels of CSF samples ().