Research Article

Nitroxide Radical-Containing Redox Nanoparticles Protect Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells against 6-Hydroxydopamine Toxicity

Figure 7

Self-cytotoxicity of NRNP2 after 24 hour treatment (a) and their protective properties of NRNP2 against the cytotoxicity of 60 μM 6-hydroxydopamine (b) and self-cytotoxicity of NRNP3 after 24 hour treatment (c) and protective properties of NRNP3 against the cytotoxicity of 60 μM 6-hydroxydopamine (d). The whiskers are in lower (25%) and upper (75%) quartile ranges. , Kruskal–Wallis test against the nontreated control. differences between the controls; .