Research Article

Enhanced Expression of miR-34a Enhances Escherichia coli Lipopolysaccharide-Mediated Endometritis by Targeting LGR4 to Activate the NF-κB Pathway

Figure 6

MiR-34a directly targets the 3UTR of LGR4. (a) TargetScan predicts the interaction of miR-34 with the LGR4 among species. (b) Schematic of the design of the luciferase reporters with the wild-type WT-LGR4 3UTR (WT) or the site-directed mutant-type MuT-LGR4 3UTR (MuT). The nucleotides in red represent the “seed sequence” of miR-34a; the mutation nucleotides are marked in blue. (c) Alignment of the 3UTR of LGR4 with miR-34a by RNAhybrid 2.2. (d) The psiCHECK-2 vector map (the insertion site of the LGR4 3UTR is marked in light blue). (e) 293T cells were cotransfected with WT-LGR4 3UTR or MuT-LGR4 3UTR luciferase reporter vectors, together with miR-34a mimics or mimic NC (final concentration: 20 nM) as indicated. After 24 h, firefly luciferase activity was measured and normalized to Renilla luciferase activity. WT: wild type; Mut: mutant type. Data are presented as the of three independent experiments (). versus the control or the mimic NC group (Student’s -test).