Research Article

Deficiency of Antioxidative Paraoxonase 2 (Pon2) Leads to Increased Number of Phenotypic LT-HSCs and Disturbed Erythropoiesis

Figure 8

Cxcr4 and Cxcr4 pathway-related genes are upregulated in young Pon2-/- HSCs and upon treatment with DMNQ in murine hematopoietic stem cell lines. (a) PCA plot displaying the variance of gene expression in 5 Pon2-/- HSCs and 5 matched WT LT-HSCs. (b) Left panel: volcano plot of gene expression differences between Pon2-/- and matched WT HSCs. Genes whose expression is significantly upregulated in Pon2-/- LT-HSCs are marked in red, while genes whose expression is significantly downregulated in Pon2-/- HSCs are marked in blue. Right panel: heat map showing the top 5 overrepresented pathways in Pon2-/- HSCs. The scale was calculated as -log10 FDRq. (c) HPC-7 or (d) BA/F3 cells were treated with DMSO (control) or 10 μM DMNQ for 2 to 8 h. CRCR4 and Gapdh mRNA expression was analyzed by qRT-PCR. CXCR4 mRNA expression was normalized to Gapdh mRNA expression. The relative CXCR4 mRNA levels in DMSO-treated cells were set to 100%. Shown are the of experiments (, ns: not significant vs. DMSO-treated cells; two-sided -test).