Research Article

Calcium-/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II (CaMKII) Inhibition Induces Learning and Memory Impairment and Apoptosis

Figure 5

CaMKII inhibition dysregulates MAPKs in Wistar and TRM rats. (a–f) Representative protein bands and analysis of data for p-ERK, p-JNK, and p-p38 proteins in the hippocampi of Wistar rats, TRM rats, KN93-treated (low dose) Wistar rats, KN93-treated (low dose) TRM rats, KN93-treated (high dose) Wistar rats, and KN93-treated (high dose) TRM rats. , compared with the control Wistar group; , compared with the control TRM group; , compared with the control Wistar group; , compared with the control TRM group.