Research Article

Ameliorative Effect of Thymoquinone-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles on Chronic Lung Injury Induced by Repetitive Intratracheal Instillation of Lipopolysaccharide in Rats

Table 2

Lesion scores of ultrastructure findings of pulmonary airways, blood vessels and alveoli in LPS-challenged rats and the ameliorative effect of TQ-PLGA NPs.

8 weeks10 weeks

Airways (bronchi and bronchioles)Submucosal inflammatory cells infiltrations-++++++--+++++
Proliferated epithelium and goblet cells metaplasia-++++++--+++++
Peribronchial plasma and fibroblast proliferation-++++++--+++++
Hyperplasia and apoptosis of bronchial associated lymphoid tissues (BALT)--+++++--++++
Pulmonary blood vesselsEndotheliosis--++++--++++
Perivascular edema--+++++--+++++
Hyperplasia of smooth muscles--+++++--++++
Alveolar tissue (alveoli and blood-air barrier)Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of pneumocytes I and II-++++++-++++++
Activated alveolar macrophage-++++++-++++++
Thickening of alveoli septal-++++++-+++++
Chronic pneumonia--++++--++++
Compensatory emphysema-++++++-++++++
Pulmonary septaThickening (inflammatory edema)--+++++--++++

No. of examined fields (5 fields/rat). The severity of lesion was graded by estimating the percentage area affected in the entire section. -: absence of lesion, +: 5–25%, ++: 26–50%, and +++: ≥50%.