Review Article

Role of RONS and eIFs in Cancer Progression

Table 1

Functions of different eIFs.


eIF1mRNA screening and delivery of tRNA.[23, 101]

eIF2Initiation codon recognition.[27]
eIF2bAllows for the next initiation to occur (returns the released GDP to GTP).

eIF3Recruiting translation factors and 40S ribosome subunits to the mRNA.[23, 24, 102]

eIF4FMultisubunit complex:[24, 103]
(i) eIF4ECAP binding activity, a rate-limiting factor.
(ii) eIF4GScaffolding protein and interaction partner for other factors.
(iii) eIF4ARNA helicase.
(iv) eIF4B and eIF4HmRNA secondary structure unwinding.

eLF5Translation elongation and bond formation.[23]

eIF6Prevents 60S subunit association with 40S subunit in the absence of mRNA (antiassociation factor).[25]

eIF: eukaryotic initiation factor; mRNA: messenger RNA; tRNA: tranfer RNA; GDP: glutamine dipeptide; GTP: glutamine tripeptide; CAP: catabolite activator protein.