Review Article

Protective Effects of Estrogen on Cardiovascular Disease Mediated by Oxidative Stress

Table 1

The mechanisms of estrogen inhibiting oxidative stress.

MechanismsThe changes in oxidative stressReferences

E2 decreased MAPK activityThe cardiomyocyte apoptosis and ROS production were reduced[74, 77, 143, 180]
Estrogen decreased serum lipid peroxidesOverall antioxidant status was upregulated[92, 150, 173, 181]
E2 inhibited NOX subunit p47phoxThe reduction of superoxide anion production was inhibited[155, 160]
E2 decreased NOX subunits gp91phox, p22phox, and p67phox induced by Ang IIROS production was reduced[143, 158, 182, 183]
E2 upregulated the expression and activity of SOD induced by Ang IIROS production wad reduced[167, 184190]
Estrogen restored antioxidant enzymes GPX1 and GPX4 expression levelsOxidative stress balance was maintained[158, 181, 189]
Estrogen increased the expression of the glutathione rate-limiting enzyme γ-glutamylcysteine synthetaseOxidative stress balance was maintained[168, 190, 191]
Estrogen maintained the bioavailability of NO by increasing the expression of eNOS mRNA and proteinThe production of NO increased and oxidative stress was reduced[84, 192195]
ERα activated eNOS through the PI3/AKT signal pathwayThe production of NO increased and oxidative stress was reduced[175, 189, 195]
Estrogen increased the intracellular availability of the eNOS cofactor BH4 and prevented the uncoupling of eNOSThe production of eNOS-dependent ROS was reduced[177, 178]