Research Article

Wogonin Strengthens the Therapeutic Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in DSS-Induced Colitis via Promoting IL-10 Production

Table 1

The division animal groups and the histological scoring system.

Animal groupsTissue inflammationExtentRegenerationCrypt damagePercentage involvementHistological score

Control/NoneNoneComplete regeneration or normal tissueNone0
IBD/SlightMucosaAlmost complete regenerationBasal 1/3 damaged1%–25%1
MSCs/ModerateMucosa and submucosaRegeneration with crypt’s depletionBasal 2/3 damaged26%–50%2
Wogonin/SevereTransmuralSurface epithelium not intactOnly surface epithelium intact51%–75%3
Wogonin+MSCsNo tissue repairEntire crypt and epithelium lost76%–100%4