Research Article

Roles of the Immune/Methylation/Autophagy Landscape on Single-Cell Genotypes and Stroke Risk in Breast Cancer Microenvironment

Figure 10

Ligand-receptor interaction analysis and identification of hub genes. (a) Receptor-ligand interaction within each subtype of each cluster of adipocytes. (b) K-M curves for Wnt7b in the TCGA BRCA cohort. (c) Venn diagram showing intersection of genes in BCPRS-related DEGs and DEGs between clusters 2 & 3 in adipocytes. (d) Expression levels of MALAT1 and PRICKLE-AS3 in scRNA-seq from TNBC adipocytes. Blue represents high expression level and gray represents low expression level. (e) Correlations among BCPRS, MALAT1, EREG.mRNAsi, and mRNAsi in BRCA tissues (TCGA cohort). (f) Trajectory analysis showing the differential expression of genes (MALAT1, FZD4, and Wnt7b) at different pseudotimes.