Research Article

Roles of the Immune/Methylation/Autophagy Landscape on Single-Cell Genotypes and Stroke Risk in Breast Cancer Microenvironment

Figure 3

Evaluation of the tumor immune microenvironment and correlation analysis based on BCPRS. (a) Correlations among StromalScore, ImmuneScore, ESTIMATEScore, TumorPurity, and BCPRS in the TCGA-BRCA cohort (). (b, c) Violin figures showing that the immune type in BRCA had a significant correlation with tumor purity and BCPRS (). (d) Heat map plots of immune-related functions from the TCGA-BRCA cohort calculated by ssGSEA. Macrophages were highly enriched in the high BCPRS group. The rows represent the gene sets of the samples and the -score values of ssGSEA.