Research Article

Roles of the Immune/Methylation/Autophagy Landscape on Single-Cell Genotypes and Stroke Risk in Breast Cancer Microenvironment

Figure 8

Cell annotation and trajectory analysis of TNBC cell subsets. (a, b) All 14 clusters of cells in TNBC were annotated by singleR and CellMarker. (c) Expression of six BCPRS-related genes (YY1, POU5F1, NKX2-3, NR2F1, HEY1, and IFNA13) in scRNA-seq is shown. Blue represents high expression and gray represents low expression level. (d) Trajectory analysis showed that TNBC cells had distinct differentiation patterns. (e) TNBC adipocyte cells were mainly located in the root, whereas epithelial cells, macrophages, and others were located in either branch or root. (f, g) Trajectory analysis showed the differential expression of genes (POU5F1, YY1, HEY1, and NR2F1) at different pseudotimes.