Review Article

Peganum spp.: A Comprehensive Review on Bioactivities and Health-Enhancing Effects and Their Potential for the Formulation of Functional Foods and Pharmaceutical Drugs

Table 1

Distinctive morphological characteristics of Peganum species.

Morphological characteristicsP. harmalaP. multisectumP. nigellestrumReferences

Plant height40-45 cm20-65 cm10-25 cm[13, 24, 27, 28]
Stem and leaf surfaceGlabrousSparse setoseDense setose
Stem branchingBranched into 5-13 stemsBranched into 70-100 stemBranched or without branched
LeavesPalmatisected into 3-5 linear lobes; lobes 1.5-3.0 mm wideBi- or tripalmatisected into linear lobes; lobes 0.4-1.0 mm in widthBi- or tripalmatisected into linear lobes; lobes 1.2-1.8 mm in width
Calyx leavesCalyx leaves entire or slightly incisedCalyx leaves incised into 3 linear lobesCalyx leaves incised into 5-7 linear lobes
SeedDepressed surfaceConvex surfaceSmooth surface