Research Article

IL-20R Activation via rIL-19 Enhances Hematoma Resolution through the IL-20R1/ERK/Nrf2 Pathway in an Experimental GMH Rat Pup Model

Figure 10

rIL-19 upregulated the expression of p-ERK, Nrf2, and CD163 while the administration of Nrf2 inhibitor ML385 reversed the effect of rIL-19 after GMH. (a) The representative bands of IL-20R1, p-ERK, ERK, Nrf2, CD163, and Actin. (b–e) The quantitative analysis of IL-20R1, p-ERK, Nrf2, and CD163 intervened with ML385. vs. sham, @ vs. vehicle, # vs. rIL-19, $ vs. rIL-19 + DMSO. , one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test, .