Research Article

Increased Oxidative Stress in Gastric Cancer Patients and Their First-Degree Relatives: A Prospective Study from Northeastern Brazil

Table 2

Comparison of serum GSH concentration, CAT, MDA concentration, between controls and gastric cancer patients.


GSH337.76 (112.18-561)125.72 (46.29-220.41)<0.001
CAT0.97 (0.69-1.42)0.95 (0.43-1.33)0.355
MDA3.85 (3.33-6.47)6.32 (3.94-12.13)0.011
SOD0.66 (0.58-0.77)0.6 (0.48-0.73)0.163
GSH325.5 (309.25-380.42)137.84 (125.98-157.91)<0.001
CAT1.04 (0.92-1.15)0.9 (0.79-1.05)0.329
MDA5.44 (5.16-5.57)8.93 (8.53-9.43)0.001
SOD0.67 (0.67-0.68)0.6 (0.59-0.61)0.189

Values estimated for generalized linear model gama-log: intercept, sex, smoking, cancer, and age. Data presented as median (25th percentile-75th percentile). CG control group and GC gastric cancer group.