Research Article

Leptin Induced TLR4 Expression via the JAK2-STAT3 Pathway in Obesity-Related Osteoarthritis

Figure 3

The effect of HFD on knee joints of rats. H&E staining (original magnification, 100x; μm), Safranin O staining (original magnification, 40x; μm), and Safranin O/Fast Green staining (original magnification, 40x; μm) at W5 (a), W15 (b), and W27 (c). Mankin scores corresponding to the pathological changes of knee joint (d). Analysis of MMP-13-positive area (original magnification, 200x, μm) was measured by immunohistochemical analyses (e, f) and represented by arrows. Data were presented as , . Independent sample -test and one-way ANOVA were used to conduct statistical significance. Significant expression differences are shown as , , and .