Research Article

Cardiac Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Nrf2 Expression, and Coagulation Events in Mice with Experimental Chronic Kidney Disease

Figure 7

Immunohistochemical analysis of the heart tissue sections for the detection of nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (Nrf2) in control mice and those given with adenine mixed in the feed (0.2% , for four weeks). (a) Representative section of the heart of control mice showing mild nuclear expression of Nrf2 by cardiomyocytes (arrow). (b) Representative section of the heart of adenine-treated mice showing a significant increase of nuclear expression of Nrf2 by cardiomyocytes (arrow). (c) Semiquantitative assessment of the % immunohistochemical staining of the heart tissue for Nrf2 in control mice and those given with adenine mixed in the feed. Data are presented as the (). Scale bars in (a, b): 50 μm.