Research Article

Association of Low Molecular Weight Plasma Aminothiols with the Severity of Coronavirus Disease 2019

Table 1

General characteristics of patients.

Age, y61 [51; 67.5]
Sex, man (%)46 (78%)
Condition upon admission
 Mild40 (68%)
 Moderate16 (27%)
 Severe3 (5%)
Severity of the infection:
 Mild37 (63%)
 Moderate19 (32%)
 Severe3 (5%)
Arterial hypertension (%)24 (41%)
Diabetes mellitus (%)7 (12%)
Atherosclerosis (%)17 (29%)
Lung CT level:
HHcy: (%)16 (27%)
HGB (g/l)144 [126; 154]
HCT (%)42 [36.9; 44.5]
RBC (1012/l)4.97 [4.16; 5.20]
MCV (fl)86 [83; 89]
MCH (pg)30.0 [28.6; 30.7]
MCHC (g/dl)346.5 [335.0; 358.5]
PLT (109/l)260 [204; 312]
WBC (109/l)5.8 [3.9; 8.8]
LI3.2 [1.9; 4.9]
ESR (mm/h)46 [21; 76]
Glucose (mM)5.55 [4.68; 7.03]
Creatinine (μM)93 [84; 112]
D-dimer (mg/l)0.83 [0.48; 1.53]
CRB (mg/l)23.5 [3.7; 55.7]
IL-6 (ng/l)7.4 [2.9; 22.9]
 tCys (μM)227 [205; 249]
 tCG (μM)13.6 [11.0; 16.3]
 tGSH (μM)1.24 [0.92; 1.94]
 tHcy (μM)7.9 [6.2; 10.4]
 rCys (μM)14.8 [9.5; 16.9]
 rCG (μM)1.43 [1.18; 1.90]
 rGSH (nM)163 [90; 223]
 rHcy (nM)93 [74; 127]
 AOPP (μM chloramine B equivalents)41.8 [31.7; 60.7]

Data are presented as median [Q1; Q3].