Research Article

[Retracted] Novel lncRNA AL033381.2 Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression by Upregulating PRKRA Expression

Figure 6

Overexpression of PRKRA rescued the cell proliferation caused by AL033381.2 knockdown in HCC cells. Celigo cell counting assay indicated that the proliferation of HCC cells was suppressed significantly in KD+NC group cells compared with NC+NC group cells, and overexpression of PRKRA (KD+OE1) rescued the inhibition of the cell proliferation induced by AL033381.2 knockdown. NC+NC group: normal target cells (Huh-7) and negative control lentivirus-infected cells (shCtrl); KD+NC group: shAL033381.2 lentivirus-infected cells (shAL033381.2) and overexpression of empty vector lentivirus-infected cells; KD+OE1 group: shAL033381.2 lentivirus-infected cells and the downstream gene PRKRA overexpressed lentivirus-infected cells; KD+OE2 group: shAL033381.2 lentivirus-infected cells and the downstream gene PRDX2 overexpressed lentivirus-infected cells; KD+OE3 group: shAL033381.2 lentivirus-infected cells and the downstream gene RNH1 overexpressed lentivirus-infected cells; KD+OE4 group: shAL033381.2 lentivirus-infected cells and the downstream gene ETFB overexpressed lentivirus-infected cells. .