Research Article

[Retracted] Rocaglamide Prolonged Allograft Survival by Inhibiting Differentiation of Th1/Th17 Cells in Cardiac Transplantation

Figure 4

Rocaglamide-treated prolonged allograft survival is associated with suppressing Th17 cells, cytokine expression of Th17 T cells, and IL-17 infiltration. (a) Flow cytometric analysis rocaglamide-treated prolonged allograft survival is associated with suppressing Th17 cells in lymph nodes (, , , and ). (b) Th17 cells in splenic lymphocytes were also suppressed. (c). Expressions of IL-17 in the peripheral blood and culture supernatants were tested by ELISA kits (, , , and ). (d) mRNA was extracted from cardiac grafts and analyzed by qRT-PCR. The rocaglamide-treated group showed decreased ROR-γt in allografts when compared with the control group. (e) Rocaglamide decreases the accumulation and aggregation of IL-17 (b: 100x, 200x) in cardiac grafts. Immunohistochemical staining was performed, and the data showed that the infiltration of IL-17 was diminished in the rocagalmide-treated group.