Research Article

Ketone Body β-Hydroxybutyrate Prevents Myocardial Oxidative Stress in Septic Cardiomyopathy

Figure 3

β-OHB alleviated oxidative stress and enhanced aerobic respiration in H9C2 cells exposed to MCM. (a) Schematic representation of the experimental protocol. (b) The levels of inflammatory cytokines in LPS-stimulated macrophage conditioned medium (MCM) () and standard cell culture medium (DMEM, Med) with 10% fetal calf serum. (c). Representative fluorescent images of H9C2 cells stained with MitoSOX red after the indicated treatments. Scale μm. The nuclei were visualized with Hoechst staining. Scale μm. (d). The fluorescence intensity of MitoSOX-stained H9C2 cells after the indicated treatments ( per group). (e and f) The oxygen consumption rate (OCR) curve in the presence of pyruvate and L-glutamine in H9C2 cells after the indicated treatments (e) and the basal respiration and spare respiratory capacity (OCRFCCP–OCRbasal) (f) (–6 per group). Oligo: Oligomycin A; A A./Rot: antimycin A and rotenone. Data are presented as the . Statistical comparisons were conducted by one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (b, d, and f). The exact values are reported for the indicated comparisons, and indicates statistical significance. and for the indicated comparisons.