Research Article

Therapy-resistant and -sensitive lncRNAs, SNHG1 and UBL7-AS1 promote glioblastoma cell proliferation

Figure 3

Dysregulated lncRNAs in glioblastoma. (a) Venn diagram showing commonly dysregulated lncRNAs by 1.0-fold or greater (p <0.05) in both datasets GSE50161 and GSE4290. (b) (A-J) Boxplots of expression levels of selected up- and down-regulated lncRNAs in glioblastoma compared with normal or epilepsy non-tumor brain tissues. P-values were calculated using on-way ANOVA where: p <0.01, p <0.001, p <0.0001, G1 vs N and G2 vs E.