Research Article

Rutin and Quercetin Counter Doxorubicin-Induced Liver Toxicity in Wistar Rats via Their Modulatory Effects on Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Apoptosis, and Nrf2

Table 7

Liver p53, TNF-α, and Nrf2 in normal rats and in rats injected with DXR (without and with the supplementation of rutin and/or quercetin).

Groupp53 (% area)TNF-α (% area)Nrf2 (% area)

Normal control
DXR-injected control group++++++
DXR-injected group supplemented with rutin$$$$
DXR-injected group supplemented with quercetin$$
DXR-injected group treated with rutin and quercetin

Values are (). +, ++: the DXR-injected control group vs. normal control. , : the DXR-injected groups treated with rutin and/or quercetin vs. DXR-injected control group. $, $$: the DXR-injected groups treated with rutin or quercetin alone vs. DXR-injected group treated with rutin and quercetin mixture.