Research Article

Glutamine Transporter SLC1A5 Regulates Ionizing Radiation-Derived Oxidative Damage and Ferroptosis

Figure 2

The expression of thirty-four intersecting genes in the tumor and surrounding normal tissues of the liver. (a) Venn diagram indicates 54 intersecting genes (AFGs) involved in both ferroptosis and amino acid metabolism. (b) Hierarchical clustering of the 54 intersecting genes in liver tumor tissue and normal tissue from TCGA database. (c) The expression difference of the 54 intersecting genes between liver tumor tissue and normal tissues is depicted by a volcano heat map. A total of 20 intersecting genes shows a significant difference. The intersecting genes with increasing levels in tumor tissues are shown in the right panel (red), whereas the intersecting genes with lower levels in tumor tissues are shown in the left panel (green). (d) The expression of the 20 AFGs in tumor and normal tissues of the liver. (e) The findings of the univariate Cox regression analysis between 20 AFG expressions and OS is shown in forest plots. Nine genes correlated with OS are detected. There are 3 downregulated DEGs (NNMT, GLS2, and ACADSB) and 17 upregulated DEGs (SLC1A5, SLC1A4, SLC7A11, etc.). (f) Multivariate Cox analysis shows eight AFGs negatively correlated with OS in liver tumor. AFGs: amino acid-ferroptosis genes.