Research Article

Reactive Oxygen Species are Essential for Placental Angiogenesis During Early Gestation

Figure 1

Placental ROS levels peak in early gestation and gradually decrease as pregnancy proceeds. (a) MDA levels in human first trimester villi and term placentas, . Data were analyzed using unpaired Student’s t test (t test). (b) SOD2 and GPx enzyme activity assays in human first trimester villi and term placentas, . Data were analyzed using a test. (c) Western blot showing 4HNE levels in the sac and placenta of normal pregnant mice collected on GD 8.5, GD 11.5, and GD 18.5, mice per group. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison tests. (d) IHC staining for 4HNE in frozen sections of mouse fetoplacental units collected on GD 8.5, GD 11.5, and GD 18.5. Abbreviations: TGC: trophoblast giant cell; EPC: ectoplacental cone. Scale bars: 100 μm. Data are presented as the . , , and .