Research Article

Rosiglitazone Ameliorates Spinal Cord Injury via Inhibiting Mitophagy and Inflammation of Neural Stem Cells

Figure 2

The roles of mitophagy played in Rosi-induced NSC proliferation. (a) Confocal immunofluorescence images showing LC3B (red) and Tomm20 (green) costaining in NSCs. The statistical analyses were performed base on four randomly selected scopes under the confocal microscope. Scale bar represents 10 μm. (b) Confocal fluorescence images showing the fluorescence of mitoTimer. Green fluorescence represents younger and healthier mitochondria (usually less than 48 hours), while red fluorescence represents mitochondria existing for a longer time (usually longer than 48 hours). Scale bar represents 10 μm. (c) Western blot images showing the effects of Rosi on PINK1 expression in Rosi-treated NSCs. (d) PCR results showing the effects of Rosi on PINK1 expression in Rosi-treated NSCs. (e) Western blot images showing the effects of Rosi on PINK1 expression in the NSCs from the injured spinal cords. (f) PCR results showing the effects of Rosi on PINK1 expression in the NSCs from the injured spinal cords. (g, h) CCK-8 measurement (g) and cell counting (h) showing effects of restored mitophagy by either CCCP administration or the forced PINK1 expression on Rosi-induced cell proliferation. Rosi was applied in all the groups in addition to the indicated treatments. Data represent three independent experiments and are expressed as . versus DMSO treatment; versus PBS treatment.