Research Article

tRNA-Derived Fragment tRF-5009A Regulates Autophagy and Degeneration of Cartilage in Osteoarthritis via Targeting mTOR

Figure 4

Expression of mTOR and correlation between tRF-5009A and mTOR in undamaged (U) and damaged (D) cartilage of OA knee. (a, b) Expression of mTOR detected by immunofluorescence and qRT-PCR in undamaged (U) and damaged (D) OA cartilage. (c) Western blotting of mTOR, COL2A1, and MMP13. (d) Quantification analysis of western blotting results in undamaged (U) and damaged (D) areas. (e) Quantification using heatmaps for the relative protein expression of mTOR in undamaged (U) and damaged (D) areas (). (f, g) Relationship between age, sex, obesity grade, affected side, disease duration, obesity grade, Kellgren-Lawrence grade, and expression of mTOR in the damaged area represented by the Sankey diagram. (h, i) Linear regression analysis of the expression of tRF-5009A and mTOR, respectively, in damaged (D) and undamaged (U) areas (). All data were presented as the .