Research Article

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Ameliorates Cellular Senescence and Inflammation Caused by Sodium Iodate in RPE

Figure 5

(a) Cellular NAD+ levels in ARPE-19 cells. The cells were treated with various concentrations of NMN for 24 h prior to 1 mM NaIO3 treatment for 48 h (). (b) The representative images and the quantitative results of SA-β-gal staining. The cells were challenged by 1 mM NaIO3 for 48 h with or without 1000 μM NMN pretreatment (). (c–d) Representative images of immunofluorescence assay and mean fluorescence intensities of p21 and p16 in APRE-19 cells. Cells were treated with 1 mM NaIO3 for 48 hr with or without 1000 μM NMN pretreatment. The pictures were taken by confocal microscope; (). (e) The λ-H2AX immunostaining was performed to show the DNA damage level in ARPE-19 cells treated as indicated; . The DNA damage level was reflected by the average number of λ-H2AX-positive cells (). (f) The cytosolic ROS levels were revealed by H2DCFDA staining, and the results were obtained by flow cytometry (). (g) MMP in ARPE-19 cells with indicated treatment was revealed by JC-1 staining, and the results were obtained by fluorescent microscopy. The red-to-green fluorescence intensity was used to quantitatively evaluate the mitochondrial potential; (). (h) The cellular ATP levels in ARPE-19 cells in the indicated groups (). Data represent of at least three independent experiments, , compared versus control, , compared versus the indicated groups.