Research Article

Dissecting Regulators of Aging and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium

Figure 4

Comparison of functional categories represented in the aging and AMD proteomic analyses. (a) Venn diagram comparing proteins associated with altered 2D spot quantities in the aging and AMD analyses. A total of 15 proteins were identified from the aging analysis and 35 proteins from the AMD comparison. Only 8 proteins were common to both processes. (b) Functional classification of differentially expressed proteins in aging and AMD. Pie charts demonstrate the distribution of proteins according to their protein class, molecular function, and biological function based on Gene Ontology notation and PANTHER online tool for categorization. (c) Comparison of proteins identified from the aging and AMD analyses graphed based on direction of change. Proteins categorized to functional groups based on KEGG mapper were plotted based on whether they increased or decreased with aging or AMD. -axis shows the functional categories, and -axis the number of proteins increasing or decreasing. (d) Canonical pathways with significant activation Z-scores (-2.23 ≥  <1.5) are shown for aging and AMD after Ingenuity pathway analysis. Blue color depicts inhibition and orange activation.