Research Article

Effects of Dietary Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation Derived from Lonicera macranthoides Hand-Mazz on Growth Performance, Free Amino Acid Profile, and Muscle Protein Synthesis in a Finishing Pig Model

Table 2

Carcass traits of finishing pigs with different levels of dietary CGA supplementation.

ItemsControl0.02%0.04%0.08%SEM value

Slaughter weight (kg)96.8095.1596.7092.921.410.62
Carcass weight (kg)65.5065.3266.9065.281.480.98
Dressing percentage (%)70.4170.9270.4971.901.200.42
Carcass length (cm)109.00107.25107.67105.001.000.58
Backfat thickness (mm)25.11ab26.39ab23.51b27.91a0.620.07
Fat percentage (%)15.67a13.05b12.24b16.65a0.59< 0.01
Fat-free lean percentage (%)63.69b64.47b69.57a61.24b0.91< 0.01
LMA1 (cm2)29.1629.0131.5529.230.890.73

1LMA: longissimus dorsi muscle area. a,b,cValues in the same row with different superscript letters are significantly different at .