Research Article

Effects of Dietary Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation Derived from Lonicera macranthoides Hand-Mazz on Growth Performance, Free Amino Acid Profile, and Muscle Protein Synthesis in a Finishing Pig Model

Table 3

Serum metabolites levels of finishing pigs with different levels of dietary CGA supplementation.

Items1Control0.02%0.04%0.08%SEM value

TP (g/L)60.60ab52.07b51.66b66.75a1.83< 0.01
ALB (g/L)32.74ab32.48ab31.72b36.55a0.740.08
GLB (g/L)24.37ab19.55b19.94b31.33a1.50< 0.01
UR (mmol/L)5.67a4.29b4.33b3.79b0.19< 0.01
CREA (umol/L)199.34ab195.08b210.24a203.40ab2.230.09

1TP: total protein; ALB: albumin; GLB: globulin; UR: urea; CREA: creatinine. a,b,cValues in the same row with different superscript letters are significantly different at .