Research Article

A20 Is Increased in Fetal Lung in a Sheep LPS Model of Chorioamnionitis

Figure 5

Intra-amniotic LPS-induced A20 mRNA and protein expression in the fetal sheep lung. Chorioamnionitis was induced by an ultrasound-guided injection of LPS from E. coli into the amniotic fluid of singleton, time-mated pregnant sheep. (a) Quantification of A20 mRNA from the fetal sheep lung was normalized to β-actin. The mean mRNA signal in control animals was given the value of 1, and levels at each time point were expressed relative to controls. (b) A representative immunoblot of independent experiments is shown. Concentrations of A20 and β-actin protein were semiquantified by densitometry. Optical density of A20 protein band was corrected to β-actin, and mean value in control animals was given the value of 1, and levels at each time point were expressed relative to controls. of independent experiments are shown. versus control, # versus single LPS 2-day exposure.