Research Article

Diet-Derived Circulating Antioxidants and Risk of Stroke: A Mendelian Randomization Study

Figure 1

Diagram of Mendelian randomization framework in this study. SNPs for dietary antioxidants (vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotene, zinc, and selenium) were identified as genetic instrumental variables. Summary statistics for gene-stroke or gene-ischemic stroke associations were obtained from UK Biobank. For each exposure, MR analyses (primary analysis using inverse-variance weighted (IVW), weighted median, MR-Egger regression, MR-RAPS, MR-PRESSO, and sensitivity analyses using Cochrane’s test, Egger intercept, MR-PRESSO global test, and leave-one-out test) were performed. GWAS: genome-wide association study; SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism; MR: Mendelian randomization.