Research Article

Fucoxanthin Attenuates Oxidative Damage by Activating the Sirt1/Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway to Protect the Kidney from Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Figure 2

Fucoxanthin inhibited ROS levels and attenuated apoptosis in mice after renal ischemia-reperfusion. The I/R model was established with 45 minutes of ischemia and 24 hours of reperfusion. The doses administered in the fucoxanthin treatment groups were 25 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg, and 100 mg/kg. (a) and (b) SOD1 protein expression. (c) and (d) Representative images of DHE staining (magnification × 400; ) and its quantitative analysis. (e)–(h) Expression of apoptosis-related proteins Bcl-2, Bax, cleaved caspase-3, and their quantitative analysis. (i)–(j) Representative images of caspase-3 immunohistochemistry (magnification ×400; ) and their quantitative analysis. (k)–(l) Representative images of TUNEL staining (magnification ×400; ) and their quantitative analysis. Apoptotic cells were detected by TUNEL (red). Values are expressed as , . compared with Sham group, and compared with group.