Research Article

Activation of LRP6 with HLY78 Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Neuronal Apoptosis via GSK3β/Sirt1/PGC-1α Pathway after ICH

Figure 4

Effects of HLY78 on oxidative stress level of brain at 24 h after ICH. (a) Representative microphotographs of DHE staining in the perihematomal area 24 h after ICH. μm. (b) Quantitative analysis of DHE fluorescence intensity. (c) Representative Western blot bands of Romo-1 in the ipsilateral hemisphere after ICH. (d) Quantitative analyses of Romo-1 in the ipsilateral hemisphere after ICH.  vs. sham group; @ vs. ICH+vehicle group. One-way ANOVA and Tukey test, /group.