Research Article

Autologous Bioactive Compound Concentrated Growth Factor Ameliorates Fistula Healing of Anal Fistula in a Pig Model and Promotes Proliferation and Migration of Human Skin Fibroblasts via Regulating the MEK/ERK Pathway

Figure 7

Composition of microbial communities from fistula tissues assessed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. (a) Percent of community abundance on phylum level and genus level. -axis represents relative abundance (%), -axis represents each sample in the CGF group and sham group, and each taxonomic category is shown with a different color. CGF: CGF group, sham: control group. (b) Cladogram generated from the LEfSe analysis indicating the phylogenetic distribution from phylum to genus of the microbiota of CGF-treated pigs. (c) Histogram of LDA scores to identify differentially abundant bacterial genera between CGF-treated and control pigs.