Research Article

Attenuation by Time-Restricted Feeding of High-Fat and High-Fructose Diet-Induced NASH in Mice Is Related to Per2 and Ferroptosis

Figure 5

Hepatocyte-specific knockout of Per2 alleviates HFHFD-induced NASH. (a) Construction of the Per2△hep mouse model and its verification by RT-qPCR and western blotting. (b, c) Serum and liver TG, TC, and FFA levels are depicted to demonstrate the lipid concentrations between the two groups. (d) ALT and AST levels were measured with a commercial kit to evaluate the levels of liver injury between the Per2△hep and Per2fl/fl mice. (e) Pathologic findings in the liver. Liver paraffin sections were stained with H&E (original magnification, 200x; scale bar, 100 μm), oil red O (original magnification, 400x; scale bar, 50 μm), and Sirius red (original magnification, 100x; scale bar, 200 μm) to determine the levels of steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis in Per2△hep and Per2fl/fl mice. Both Per2△hep and Per2fl/fl mice were fed with HFHFD to induce NASH. Data are presented as . and ; ns: not significant (also refer to Figure S2).