Research Article

Lycopene Ameliorates Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension via Suppression of Oxidative Stress

Figure 1

Lycopene attenuated hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in the HPH rat model. (a) The molecular structure of lycopene, foods rich in lycopene, and the criteria of oral bioavailability and drug-like properties of lycopene. (b) The animal treatment design and groups are presented. (c) The representative images of right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) waveform in rats. (d) The quantification of RVSP in rats. (e) The panoramic views of the histological sections of transverse hearts in rats. Scale bars: 5000 μm. (f) The weight ratio of the right ventricular (RV) to the left ventricular plus septum (LV+S) in rats. (g) The weight ratio of RV to body weight (BW) in rats. Values are ( or 8). , , and vs. the normoxia group; #, ## vs. the hypoxia group.