Research Article

Dapagliflozin Ameliorates Renal Tubular Ferroptosis in Diabetes via SLC40A1 Stabilization

Figure 1

The additional renal protective effect of dapagliflozin in T2DM mice: (a) workflow of the experiment; (b) body weights in each group; (c) HbA1c concentrations in each group; (d) FBG concentrations in each group; (e) urinary ACRs; (f) urinary RBP/creatinine ratio; (g) urinary THP/creatinine ratio; (h) urinary a1MG/creatinine ratio; (i) urinary 8-OHdG/creatinine ratio; (j) urinary 8iso-PG/creatinine ratio. Values are the . mice in the T2DM group and GLIB group, respectively; mice in the NC group and DAPA group, respectively. vs. NC; # vs. T2DM; ¥ vs. GLIB.