Research Article

Advanced Glycation End Products Induce Atherosclerosis via RAGE/TLR4 Signaling Mediated-M1 Macrophage Polarization-Dependent Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotypic Conversion

Figure 1

(a) Schematic diagram of non-contact and contact coculture models. (b) Captured immunofluorescent staining images of MYH11 which is the hall marker of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) of contractile phenotype. DAPI and their merged images were also demonstrated. Columns on the right panel indicate the mean fluorescent intensities of MYH11 in contact and noncontact coculture models, respectively. (c) Immunoblots of Dll4, GAPDH in macrophages and HES1, NICD1, and GAPDH in VSMCs in the noncontact coculture model. Columns indicate the relative expression levels of Dll4 in macrophages, HES1, and NICD1 in VSMCs in the noncontact coculture model. (d) immunoblots of Dll4, GAPDH in macrophages and HES1, NICD1, and GAPDH in VSMCs in the contact coculture model. Columns indicate the relative expression levels of Dll4 in macrophages, HES1, and NICD1 in VSMCs in the contact coculture model. ; .