Research Article

Changes of Functional, Morphological, and Inflammatory Reactions in Spontaneous Peripheral Nerve Reinnervation after Thermal Injury

Table 2

Comparison of chronic changes after slight, moderate, and severe thermal injury (30 days).

Slight ()Moderate ()Severe () value

 NCV index<0.01
0/8 (0.0%)1/8 (12.5%)8/8 (100%)<0.01
0/8 (0.0%)1/8 (12.5%)8/8 (100%)<0.01
Neural morphology changes
 Myelin sheath: crush0/8 (0.0%)1/8 (12.5%)8/8 (100%)<0.01
 Myelin sheath: bubbles0/8 (0.0%)0/8 (0.0%)0/8 (0.0%)1.00
 Anchoring particles: lessen0/8 (0.0%)1/8 (12.5%)8/8 (100%)<0.01
 Inflammatory reactions0/8 (0.0%)0/8 (0.0%)0/8 (0.0%)1.00
Muscular morphology changes
 Gross weight<0.01
 Muscular atrophy0/8 (0.0%)7/8 (87.5%)8/8 (100%)<0.01
 NMJ index<0.01
 Neural axons<0.01