Research Article

A Mixture of Ginkgo biloba L. Leaf and Hericium erinaceus (Bull.) Pers. Fruit Extract Attenuates Scopolamine-Induced Memory Impairments in Mice

Figure 8

Effect of the mixture (GH) of Ginkgo biloba L. leaf (GL) and Hericium erinaceus (Bull.) Pers. (HE) fruit extracts on BDNF immunostaining assay. (a) The morphological changes of CA1 and CA2/3 region from hippocampus. (b, c) The number of live neurons in each region. The area of CA1 and CA2/3 regions was measured and quantified by using Micron (EVOS, v2.0) digital imaging software. Data represent the . ### vs. control group. vs. Sco-treated group.