Research Article

m6A Modification Mediates Endothelial Cell Responses to Oxidative Stress in Vascular Aging Induced by Low Fluid Shear Stress

Figure 5

Low FSS modulated the m6A modifications on aging-related genes. (a) Scatter plot of the annotation enrichment analysis (GO and KEGG databases) based on fold changes in the m6A modification (-axis) and transcriptome (-axis). The annotations upregulated in m6A-modified genes were colored in red, and annotations downregulated in m6A-modified genes were colored in blue. (b) Bar plot of the annotation enrichment analysis (GO and KEGG databases) of m6A-modified genes. (c) Circle plot of GO analysis of m6A-modified genes. The hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes were analyzed separately. (d) Interaction network of m6A-modified genes, analyzed by STRING and visualized with Cytoscape software. The hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes were colored in red and blue, respectively. The top five functional clusters were defined via the MCODE plugin.