Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

Aging, Metabolic, and Degenerative Disorders: Biomedical Value of Antioxidants


1Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

2National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt

3Bourgogne Franche-Comté University, Besançon, France

4University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania

5D. Y. Patil University, Kolhapur, India

6King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Aging, Metabolic, and Degenerative Disorders: Biomedical Value of Antioxidants


Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of aging as well as different metabolic and degenerative diseases. Excess free radicals production is incriminated in the pathogenesis of various metabolic disorders, including diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Many degenerative diseases such as cancer, hypertension, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinsonism, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis are characterized by imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant system in the body. Cellular aging as well as various metabolic and degenerative disorders could be developed under laboratory conditions as models induced by certain chemicals and drug toxicities with reactive oxygen species production as a mechanism.

Antioxidants are efficient redox active radical scavenging agents, due to their ability to reduce oxidative damage in living cells. Moreover, they played a fundamental role in human and animals’ life and health, owing to their substantial benefits of biomedical applications, including metabolic and degenerative disease prevention and treatment as well as food supplementation against aging process.

This special issue is dedicated to integrating the previous and the current biomedical and molecular mechanisms of antioxidants in preventing and treating oxidative stress and associated metabolic and degenerative diseases. We cordially invite scientists and researchers to contribute their basic and clinical studies via original and review articles in our special issue.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Antioxidant as a food supplement for aging process
  • Implication of antioxidant for metabolic disorders
  • Application of antioxidant for prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases
  • Potential redox biomarkers of aging and metabolic and degenerative diseases
  • Antioxidant toxicity in relation to aging metabolic disorders and degenerative diseases
  • Novel antioxidants and their molecular mechanisms of action
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate8%
Submission to final decision133 days
Acceptance to publication34 days
Journal Citation Indicator-
Impact Factor-
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