Research Article

Fatigue and Activity Management Education for Individuals with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Table 1

Participant demographics.


 (i) Mean48.05 years
 (ii) Standard deviation15.25 years
 (iii) Range26–88 years

Length of time since diagnosis of lupus
 (i) Mean10.8 years
 (ii) Standard deviation10.7 years
 (iii) Median8.0 years
 (iv) Range1–45 years

Relationship status
 (i) Single8 (38.1%)
 (ii) Married10 (47.6%)
 (iii) Widowed1 (4.8%)
 (iv) Divorced1 (4.8%)
 (v) Separated1 (4.8)

Living situation
 (i) Alone3 (14.3%)
 (ii) With others18 (85.7%)

 (i) Yes9 (42.9%)
 (ii) No12 (57.1%)

Employment status
 (i) Employed12 (57.1%)
 (ii) Self-employed9 (42.9%)
 (iii) Unemployed

Number of sessions attended
 (i) Median5
 (ii) Range3–6