Review Article

Enhancing a Client-Centred Practice with the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure

Table 2

Meaning units, condensed meaning units, subthemes, and themes from the content analysis.

Examples of meaning unitsCondensed meaning unit/interpretation of the underlying meaningSubthemesTheme

The participants found that the COPM made the challenges and barriers that they experienced in their everyday lives tangible, helping them set suitable personal goals and initiate the intervention ([31], p. 102).The COPM helped the clients to comprehend their everyday lives and set suitable goals for intervention.Getting to know the client and Enhancing clients’ self-awarenessEnhancing CCP with the COPM.
The COPM proved to be a suitable measure for determining occupational performance priorities from the perspectives of both the PWD and the healthcare workers (HCWs), although this initially resulted in diverse lists of priorities ([36], p. 13).The COPM helped the clients and the OTs identify OPPs. The identified OPPs differed between clients and OTs.
The OTs felt that the COPM facilitated discussions with clients about functional independence and the formulation of OT-related goals. They felt that until they actually performed the COPM with a person, they did not really have a sense of the person’s needs. The COPM was also thought to aid in increasing client motivation and the client’s sense of control over their rehabilitation; it made the rehabilitation process meaningful for the client and provided OTs with client-centred directions and priorities for therapy. An OT stated, “[The COPM] also assists in your assessment of knowing the person’s insight and adjustment to their disability” ([33], p. 340).The COPM helped the OTs get to know their clients.
The COPM also helped the clients and facilitated insights for both the OTs and the clients.
The participants felt that the COPM interview led to greater awareness of their daily lives and to a feeling of being seen and listened to. They also reported that the interview enhanced their motivation to focus on improving occupational performance and that the information brought forward during the interview and scoring process was useful as a basis for developing rehabilitation goals ([30], p. 419).The COPM led the clients to a greater awareness of their daily lives and enhanced motivation and development of goals.